Deciding whether to add a battery to your solar system is a common question we receive, and to help you make an informed decision, here’s a breakdown of the 6 key benefits of a solar battery:

Adding a battery to a solar PV system provides several benefits, enhancing the overall efficiency, reliability and flexibility.

1.     Energy Storage: Batteries allow you to store excess energy generated during periods of high sunlight and use it during times when the sun is not shining, such as during the night or on cloudy days. This helps in overcoming the intermittent nature of solar power generation and ensures a more consistent and reliable energy supply.

2.     Energy Independence: With a battery storage system, solar power users can become less dependent on the grid. By storing excess energy, homeowners and businesses can use solar power even when the sun is not shining, reducing their reliance on power from the grid.

3.     Grid Support and Backup Power: In the event of a power outage, a solar system with a battery may provide backup power (Depending on the brand of battery). The solar battery will automatically switch on whilst using the stored energy in the battery, allowing critical appliances and devices to continue running, adding an extra layer of reliability to your energy supply.

4.     Increased Return on Investment (ROI): Adding a battery to a solar system can improve the overall return on investment by maximising the solar power generated. It helps in capturing and using more of the energy produced by the solar panels, ultimately increasing the economic benefits of the solar installation.

5.     Reducing Peak Demand Charges: Many electricity providers have higher charges during peak demand periods, typically from  4pm – 9pm daily. By utilising stored energy during these times, solar and battery systems can help reduce or eliminate these peak demand charges, leading to significant cost savings.

6.     Environmental Impact: By increasing the efficiency and reliability of solar power systems, batteries can contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy ecosystem. The ability to store and use solar energy helps reduce the need for conventional power sources with higher environmental impacts.

In summary, adding a battery to your solar system offers numerous advantages, from increased energy independence, cost savings and environmental impacts.

When deciding if a battery is right for your home, it’s important to evaluate your specific circumstances and energy needs to determine if these benefits align with your goals.
If you’re seeking a more reliable, efficient and sustainable energy solution, a solar battery may be a worthwhile investment for your home.

Contact GridSmart today on 1300 320 605 for more information on a battery for your home or business and a tailored quotation.  Alternatively, fill out our enquiry form here and we will be in touch.